Every day at Keshet, seemingly small acts drive our community forward, and those small acts have the power to create a monumental impact on our participants, staff and families. As we kick off Keshet’s summer campaign, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to highlight those in our camp community who make the biggest impact of all…our staff!
There are countless small things that Keshet’s staff do each day that make a big impact on a camper’s day or beyond. These are often things that most people wouldn’t think twice about, yet our staff do them with such intentionality, patience and compassion.
Here is the start of our list of these small acts…including specific examples of things that have happened this summer:
- Always seeing the best in their campers even in the most difficult moments
- Adapting a game so their camper can participate
- Creating visual schedules that their camper can follow
- Modeling appropriate behaviors for their campers
- Actively engaging in conversations with their campers
- Participating in all camp activities alongside them…and having fun while doing it!
- Making a big deal about the small accomplishments, such as their birthdays or losing a tooth
- Finding creative ways to relate to their campers
- Being willing to try anything and even make a fool of themselves in order to get their camper to laugh or smile
- Remembering the little things they love…for example one of our counselors brought a fidget spinner from home for his camper because he knew he would love it
- Doing activities first to encourage a camper…even if it includes getting on a horse when it’s one of their own biggest fears!
…and so much more. Thank you so much to our camp staff for the big impact you’ve made so far! We know the small acts you do every day will continue to help Keshet’s campers achieve great things the rest of this summer.