How Keshet & PORCH Tackle Food Insecurity Together

Two team members standing in the PORCH warehouse holding up donated food items

by Erin Molk, Terri Feldman and Fran Pine

PORCH was founded with the mission of addressing local hunger. During the pandemic, we saw the growing struggle of many who had never before faced food insecurity. Inspired by a similar initiative from a friend in North Carolina, we launched the Chicago chapter of PORCH in October 2020. Our mission was to facilitate non-perishable food donations through a simple yet impactful process: people would leave donations on their porches, and we would collect, sort and distribute them to local food pantries.

From our first month, when we collected 600 pounds of food, to now collecting nearly 6,000 pounds, the need for our services continues to rise. What makes PORCH different from other similar organizations is our ability to address the specific needs of food pantries. They call on us to provide the exact food items they need, ensuring they get what’s necessary to serve their communities effectively.

Our partnership with Keshet emerged from an unexpected connection. Thanks to the support of one of our original PORCH donors, Cheryl Cooper—whose son attends GADOL, Keshet’s adult day program—we were introduced to the opportunity to a vacant storefront on Keshet’s campus in Highland Park. This space is currently available as Keshet prepares to renovate the building to become its new, inclusive community center. Our collaboration has been a perfect fit, providing us with much-needed storage and sorting space while also giving GADOL team members the opportunity to help.

Working with Keshet has been transformative for us. On the third Tuesday of every month, when we collect donations, Keshet’s adults play an integral role. They help with sorting, loading trucks and, most recently, picking up donations from homes. This partnership has not only streamlined our operations but also given Keshet’s participants valuable experience. They’ve learned teamwork, organizational skills and problem-solving.

The benefits of this partnership are mutual. For PORCH, free access to Keshet’s space has greatly enhanced our efficiency and allowed us to expand our reach. For Keshet, this collaboration offers participants a meaningful way to engage with their community, develop vocational skills and experience the pride of giving back. The joy and enthusiasm of Keshet’s team members as they contribute to our mission are truly inspiring and remind us why we do what we do.

Looking to the future, we are eager to continue and grow this partnership. Our goals include increasing our support to more pantries and ensuring that Keshet remains an integral part of that process. We envision a world where our combined efforts significantly reduce food insecurity in our community and provide meaningful opportunities for Keshet adults. We’re so grateful to have Keshet’s support as we strive to eliminate food insecurity in our community.

For any community partnership opportunities for GADOL, email [email protected]

To get involved with PORCH, email [email protected]

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