Keshet is thrilled to welcome two new leadership staff, Dr. Audra Kaplan, Chief Program Officer, and Joelle Kelenson, Director of Recreation.
Please join us in welcoming the newest the members to Keshet’s Board of Directors.
Ben knew this summer would be different, but what he didn’t expect was to have one of the best times he’s ever had at Keshet Teen & Tween Camp. One of the reasons for his success is everything that his counselor, Jeremy, is doing to let Ben know that he is always looking out for him.
A letter from Jennifer Phillips and Michelle Friedman introducing Keshet’s new branding to the community.
Supporting people to return to work is the next phase of Keshet’s work during the pandemic.
GADOL took on the challenge of making matzah from scratch.
Jewish Disability, Awareness and Inclusion month should shine a light on other important features in our community — Advocacy and Belonging.
All of Keshet’s programs are making the most of visiting far-off destinations through virtual travel and tours.
Our community is keeping their spirits up during the pandemic by hosting fundraisers for Keshet. We are so grateful (and proud) to be the recipients of funds from these four projects.
Keshet’s Adult Programs, GADOL and MY Life, have offered programs focused on how participants can VOICE THEIR CHOICE.
Sharon Frankel has been a constant presence at Keshet since the organization’s earliest days.
The following is adapted from the presentation given by Jennifer Phillips, Acting CEO, at Keshet’s Annual Meeting on June 28, 2020.
I’ve never looked at my brother as being “different,” only as my big brother. But as i’ve grown older, I’ve had the chance to see him through the lens of my friends and colleagues who had never met someone with special needs before.