Keshet is having a blast celebrating Purim, one of our favorite Jewish holidays of the year. Purim commemorates the survival of the Jewish people in the early 5th Century BCE. Purim is a joyous and festive holiday filled with costumes, food and togetherness to celebrate all that the Jewish people have overcome. All of Keshet’s programs are doing so many fun things for Purim…here’s a little bit of a sneak peek!
Sunday School and SOAR
Purim is a highlight for our Sunday School students and SOAR participants and this year they are thrilled to be joining Purim parties in the community. The younger Sunday School class went to a party with Yachad, another local disability organization. The adult Sunday School class and SOAR attended a Purim Party at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago.

Day School
Students at Keshet’s Day School participated in fun Purim activities with their peers at Solomon Schechter Day School. They baked hamantaschen, made groggers in Judaics class and finished up masks that they’ve been working on in art therapy. Throughout the week, they also read material and stories about Purim.

High School
On top of learning about the holiday and doing some activities in the classroom, Keshet’s high school students are going to Whirlyball with their Ida Crown peers to celebrate Shushan Purim, which takes place later in the week! Stay tuned on social media for lots of fun pictures and memories with friends.

Our friends at Transition had a jam-packed week to celebrate Purim. Last week, they watched the Lego Purim story, pausing frequently to discuss the material and check for comprehension. They also shopped for items to make hamantaschen and groggers. On the day of, they dressed up in costumes, played some fun games and sang and danced to Purim music!

Keshet’s adult day program has gone all out for Purim this year! For the last few weeks, DSP Lucy’s drama group has been practicing a Purim Spiel to act out the story of Purim. On March 9th, they’ll share their performance for the rest of GADOL team members and staff. The cooking group also made a hamantaschen recipe from scratch!

MY Life
Keshet’s MY Life residents participated in two hamantaschen bakes–one all together at home and then a community bake at JCC Chicago. In addition, residents attended a community Purim carnival at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland Park.

Business Office
Even the Keshet Business Office made the most of Purim! Business Office staff dressed up in costumes, decorated Purim-themed masks and had a Purim-themed lunch.

We’ve been loving our Purim celebrations at Keshet and can’t wait to share more fun surprises with you on social media throughout the week. Chag Sameach!
Check out more Purim photos here.