Two photos: Wendy holding her award with fellow Keshet staff and Michelle speaking onstage at the Keshet Rainbow Banquet

Two Keshet Awardees Leave Their Marks on the Disability Community


We’re incredibly proud to announce that two exceptional members of our community are being honored with awards from important organizations in Keshet’s field of work in May. This recognition not only highlights their individual excellence, but also amplifies Keshet’s reach and the credibility of our mission to the larger community.

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Staff holding up their words at the All Staff Retreat

Keshet Staff Value Awards — Spring 2024


Congrats to these six staff who exemplify Keshet’s values every single day!

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Jen speaking on stage at the banquet

30 Years…And Just Getting Started


Jen Phillips, Keshet CEO & President, was named the honoree for 30 years of service to Keshet. Hear what she has to say about Keshet’s achievements over the past 30 years, including a very special surprise announcement for what lies ahead.

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Jordan volunteering with a team member out in the community

Wake Up. Give Back. Sleep. Repeat.


Keshet is so fortunate to have incredible DSPs like Jordan Spiwak, who believe wholeheartedly in Keshet’s mission and care so deeply for our participants. Working at Keshet has completely changed his life for the better, giving him a sense of purpose and a deeper connection to his Jewish identity.

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Selfie of Lindsey with two Keshet adults at the Chicago Sky basketball game

From Camper to Intern


As the marketing and communication intern, I was able to get experience in a field I’m interested in, and learned that Keshet is so much more than their camp programs. Everyone at Keshet works hard to be able to provide all the programs we offer.

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Five camp chi staff in their staff shirts with their arms around each other

More Than A Paycheck


There are four young adults holding jobs at Camp Chi with Keshet support. Through a grant from the Walder Foundation, Keshet is able to provide a job coach, resources and stipends for these employees to work as independently as possible.

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Staff values awards winners

Staff Values Awards — Spring 2023


Congrats to the six people who bring Keshet values to life every single day!

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Two photos of Abby and Wesley

From Baseball to Camp to College: A Lifelong Journey with Keshet


The power of Keshet’s community is like no other. Whether I’m working at camp or 100 miles away at school, I feel the love every day.

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Camper sitting in a hammock with his thumbs up

23 Things on Keshet’s Horizon in 2023


2022 was an incredible year for Keshet and there is so much to be proud of. But as you know, Keshet is always looking ahead to the future. We came up with a list of 23 things to look forward to with Keshet in 2023.

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Staff Spotlight: Max Stroesser–A Full-Circle Keshet Story


While each person’s story of how they got involved with Keshet is different, the sense of belonging they feel when they first join our community is what keeps them coming back. Campers return to work as counselors, and many of those counselors eventually work at Keshet as teachers, therapists or even the CEO. Nobody embodies this ultimate, full-circle Keshet story quite like camp counselor Max Stroesser, who has embraced Keshet’s mission from a very young age, and continues to return because of the sense of belonging he feels within our community.

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Keshet’s Mission Rings True For Staff, Too


“In a short period of time, the Keshet community already feels like home, and I’m so glad that I now get to be a part of it.”

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Five of our staff values recipients holding their awards

Staff Values Awards — Spring 2022


Congrats to the recipients and thanks for all you do to bring these values to life at Keshet every single day!

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Collage of 6 new staff

Welcome Aboard!


Introducing not one, not two, but six new program leadership staff. We are so fortunate to have these dedicated professionals bring their skills and talents to Keshet.

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Little slips of colorful paper that say welcome in different languages

Growing Our Staff


Keshet is thrilled to welcome two new leadership staff, Dr. Audra Kaplan, Chief Program Officer, and Joelle Kelenson, Director of Recreation.

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Jeremy using his talker device while sitting on a bench with Jeremy.

The Camper-Counselor Bond


Ben knew this summer would be different, but what he didn’t expect was to have one of the best times he’s ever had at Keshet Teen & Tween Camp. One of the reasons for his success is everything that his counselor, Jeremy, is doing to let Ben know that he is always looking out for him.

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ZOOM meeting of Staff Value Awards with Laura Bubley, Shimmy Castle, Rey Castrejon, Amy Patel, Sharon Sarris, and Lori Zisook.

Staff Value Awards – Spring 2021


Congrats to the recipients!

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Headshot of Sharon Frankel

Sharon Frankel Retires After 38 Years of Service


Sharon Frankel has been a constant presence at Keshet since the organization’s earliest days.

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Read the Keshet Chronicles

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